XSR USB Docking Station
For Removable Data Module (RDM)
Benefits | Key Features |
‣ No tools required | ‣ Easy access to data in the field |
‣ High performance | ‣ USB 3.1 interface |
‣ High capacity |
This product is equipped with NIAP-Approved Dual-layer Software Full Disk Encryption (SWFDE) & Hardware Full Disk Encryption (HWFDE) and is listed on the NSA CSfC Approved Components List. View CSfC List
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The XSR USB Docking Station allows easy access to the RDM’s four SSD drives from a host computer with two USB3.1 Gen1 interfaces. Stored data on the RDM can be accessed directly over the two USB Type-C interfaces or copied to the host computer for further processing and/ or archiving. Transfer rates up to 800 MB/s are achievable depending on host computer hardware and software (OS).
The XSR Removable Data Module (RDM) fits all of Galleon’s XSR data recorders, NAS, and servers, thus providing an extremely flexible storage solution to suit the target application. The RDM can be exchanged in the field in seconds, with no tools required.
Optional support for FIPS 140-2 and AES-256 hardware encryption is available upon request.
The XSR USB Docking Station is sold as a complete kit containing the two required USB Type-C to Type-A cables and a 100/240VAC to 12VDC power supply.
Galleon Embedded Computing’s quality management system is certified to Aerospace Standard AS/EN 9100 and ISO 9001.
Key Features
Key Features
• Easy access to data from laptops or servers in the field
• USB 3.1 interfaces to storage media